CONSTANTINE Heritage Centre is set to present its third Cornish Talk and Taste Day on Saturday, January 24.

“Never in our wildest dreams did we ever imagine how popular it has become,” said Heritage Centre curator Tracey Clowes. It is being opened this year by Grand Bard Vanessa Beeman and as in previous years celebrates all things Cornish. Visitors will be able to feed their senses with delicious food stalls, art, music, and dance.

The day begins at 10.30am with the Trengilly singers rendition of popular Cornish songs. Vanessa Beeman wil be giving a talk at 11am about the Gorseth and being a female Grand Bard. At midday 'Hevva' will be Cornish dancing and then delivering a fantastic workshop for all ages.

For younger visitors there is storytelling and art workshops in the museum all day, giving older visitors time to view the stalls have Croust in the cafe, perhaps a taster Cornish Language lesson, or watch, then taste as Mike Maquire gives a food demonstration.

Lin Williams, a popular local artist, has an art exhibition with paintings and prints on sale.

At 2pm there is a talk from the St Pirans Trust and rounding the day off at 3pm is a short concert from the Cornish Fiddle Orchestra.

Admission is 50p, and the talks, dance workshop and fiddle orchestra are £1. For the Cornish Language lessons and art workshops we ask for donations. All funds raised help to maintain Constantine Heritage Collection. For more information contact Tracey Clowes 01326 341353