WITH so much earthbound doom and gloom at the moment, it makes a refreshing change to reach for the stars and think of space. That’s what visitors of all ages are being invited to do at the launch of an exciting new exhibition at the Royal Cornwall Museum in Truro on Saturday, January 24.

Entitled Space Age: Exploration and Popular Culture and created by the V & A Museum of Childhood in London, the exhibition will include real space objects together with space designs and toys. Children who attend the launch are being invited to dress up in suitable space-inspired costumes for which they will receive a prize. Outside, weather permitting, there will be a chance for visitors to dress up as an astronaut and have their picture taken and, at 4.30pm, they can also take part in some star-gazing with the Brannel Astronomical Society.

The exhibition, which has been part-funded by Renaissance in the Regions, will continue until April 18. The launch on Saturday will take place from 1pm to 4pm. Entrance is free.

In February half term families can enjoy Space Age mini-makes on Tuesday 17 and 20. In May Dr Allan Chapman from Oxford University will speak on “John Couch Adams FRS – Astronomical Discoverer and Cornishman” at the Royal Institution of Cornwall’s Spring Lecture. Tickets for that event will be available from the museum in due course.