I could not help but notice the front page of the Helston Packet, "We don't want bigger Tesco!" What is the big deal? Are a couple of extra lorries on what is already a busy road full of other companies lorries driving from the A30 past Tesco's on route to the Lizard, the surrounding villages and even the Porthleven area, really going to make a difference to congestion? I don't think so, although a pedestrian crossing would be handy!

And what about the thousands of people who signed the petitions wanting a bigger store? Will they be told no because the town council, of which some members are shop owners, would rather have the monopoly of the town and do not wish to have any competition to the businesses they own? How about a meeting for all of us in favour of a bigger store? Give us a date and time and let's see the turnout!

If Tesco's is supposed to turn town centres into ghost towns then why do our thriving neighbouring towns of Camborne and Redruth have three, giving jobs for their local communities? As much as I admire the amazing amount of estate agents and charity shops, not to mention the new betting shop that the invisible people go in (yes, I have never seen anyone in it!) oh, and those fantastically empty shops that have been empty for 15 years or more which any war-torn or third world country would be proud of, it looks like the ghosts are already here. Are the business rates too high? The rents too much? Or has the council given up?

With a lovely park to look forward to visiting and lots of new homes being built, do we as mothers and lifetime shoppers have to put up with using our trolleys as bumper cars in a squashed veg aisle every time we have to face the dreaded daily shop?

I do not believe other supermarkets will be affected. Somerfield is a great local store with free home deliveries and Lidl's would also be a bonus to the town. I am sure there's enough of us living in Helston, Porthleven, Breage, the Lizard, etc, to fill a bigger store, and keep the shops in our town alive instead of wanting to drive to other towns where their stores are bigger and Helston is left dead. Let's get out of the dark ages and get into the 21st century whilst we can!

Lavinia Brown, Winns Row, Godolphin Road, Helston

Although Tesco claim to be providing only a "replacement food store" if the expansion plans are approved their new store will have five times the current selling space for so-called "comparison" goods - ie adults and children's clothing, sports equipment, soft-furnishings, floor coverings, furniture, electrical and music equipment, hardware and ornamental items.

Tesco's own figures show that as a result of the proposed expansion Helston's in-town Somerfield supermarket could suffer a 15 per cent decrease in its trade. Apart from the impact on the small family and independent retailers in Helston, the chains such as Woolworth's, Peacock's, WH Smith, etc would be likely to lose trade as well, which could make them consider leaving the town. Tesco themselves say that there are only five areas where there is no overlap with Helston shops: arts/crafts, jewellery, car parts, antiques and (they say) furniture.

It's also likely that Lidl will be selling a range of "comparison" goods as well as food at the St John's site. The town couldn't survive this two-pronged attack and Tesco already have a large store at Clodgey Lane. They must not be allowed to take more trade away from Helston's town-centre shops.

Yvonne Lewer, Lizard Peninsula Friends of the Earth Tesco should not blame us for their mistakes!

Mr Felix Gummer from Tesco should take some time checking his facts before saying that the appearance of the Extra sign on the recent Tesco planning application might be an oversight by councillors, and he suggested they may be looking at previous drawings.

I was allocated the application, and looked carefully at the drawings, which were also shown at the Helston town council planning committee meeting. The drawing supplied with the planning application clearly showed Tesco Extra over the top of the proposed new building.

I am fed up with those in the corporate world who are never actually accountable for anything. Why not take a look at the application plans yourself Mr Gummer, and then have the integrity to say "sorry, we made a mistake, Extra should not have been on the drawings we submitted."

Does this happen? No! Instead we get someone trying to pass on responsibility by suggesting the councillors were looking at the wrong drawings. Knowing the low esteem most elected politicians are held in by the public, I expect a fair number of your readers probably agreed with him that councillors are not bright enough to look at the correct drawing. I have an old newspaper heading which I have taped to my Helston town council folder and it says "Role of the councillor is a thankless task." It's even more thankless when people in highly-paid, responsible positions don't pay any attention to detail, then blame anyone but themselves.

Keith Reynolds, Godolphin Cross, Helston