I know that this isn't a local issue but unless it's taken up locally, nobody in authority will take notice.

If that violence in Italy, including a policeman being murdered, had happened in England, the media, especially the gutter press, would be running around the walls baying for blood and it would be filling their pages for weeks. They would be demanding a Uefa and Fifa ban on the clubs from overseas competition and would be blaming anyone who had the nerve to wear a tee shirt with a red cross on it, anyone with a shaved head, anyone wearing boots, etc. Yet because this hasn't happened in England, they couldn't give a toss.

I doubt if Uefa or Fifa will do anything either. They are too busy waiting to see if someone in England, in a seated area, stands up for more than five seconds!

Our clubs have cleaned up their acts but the rest of the world, especially Germany and Italy, haven't. Germany seems to be able to get away with anything unchallenged! The bottom line is that I am fed up with these islands getting the blame for everything, or being more harshly treated than any other country, especially from our media!

I note that the Japanese have already banned English poultry imports. I bet they never banned imports from Korea, etc! It is time that the media, our government and businesses stood up for this country instead of letting it be treated like a door mat!

Richard Berry, Lower Penlean House, Ponsanooth