May I be allowed, once again, to raise the problem of the missing bus shelter, at Goldenbank? Our local, elderly residents, feel extremely badly let down by the inaction of their local representatives on this matter.

A decision was taken to remove the shelter because of the action of a few hooligans within a comparatively short time. Its removal took place without full consultation with the vast majority of the local residents. Now, some three months later, the residents are still suffering the inaction following this decision.

Many of our locally elected representatives have cars and are not at all dependent upon public transport, such as it is. Indeed our county councillors actually claim travel expenses, for going to meetings in their nice warm vehicles. I personally know of elderly residents who are entirely dependent on the public transport system who would rather stay indoors on their own rather then be subjected to winter elements. What quality of life is that?

If it sounds rather a dramatic picture I have painted why do not those who disagree with my points try this lifestyle for themselves for two weeks?

Is this what Falmouth has come to in the 21st Century at a time when we can immediately provide immigrants with full social services, housing, etc etc. I could go on.

Nobody expects the impossible but surely to expect elderly, some in their late 80s and who have contributed all their lives, to be treated in this way is an insult for all that Great Britain and the Cornish stand for.

Can I please ask that without delay the shelter is reinstated, not be left another three months with our local representatives then claiming credit for what they have achieved on our behalf.

I have heard that a shelter will be erected by April 1. I do not consider that this is good enough. By then they will have been without a shelter for almost six months.

Barrie Elliott, Boscundle Avenue, Falmouth