When I first moved to Cornwall in 1972 it was clear to me that the county really needed a university. That it took so long to achieve this, albeit a hybrid version centred upon Tremough, has been a shame; compounded, however, by the apparent absence of any obvious planning for the influx of students.

It is the responsibility of a number of agencies, not least the county, district and Falmouth town councils - all currently Liberal-Democrat controlled - to have taken steps to ensure that the sudden increase in the number of students requiring accommodation had minimal impact on the local population.

Many properties that once might have been let out to families who could not afford to buy at today's obscene prices have been sub-divided by owners into multi-occupancy dwellings with the student population in mind: good business if you happen to own more than just the house you need to live in yourself.

I understand that houses occupied by students are not liable for council tax, representing a loss of revenue to the local councils.

The loss of available housing for local people to the student population isn't helped by the anti-social behaviour of a minority of students and it is no wonder locals complain about "students," tarring them all with the same brush when they cause disturbances in the town centre or in their residential neighbourhoods.

Like many of those in the know, UKIP distinguishes between students who work hard and those who misbehave. Those who study are welcome, those who cause public nuisance are not.

Tom Trust, Falmouth-Camborne UKIP, Tolgus Mount, Redruth