I WRITE in response to the letter entitled "Learn the rules before making brash statements" from "address withheld" (Packet, September 26) I would like to point out that on the water, road, pavement and in life generally, manners, goodwill, courtesy and thought for others and even a sense of humour will ensure that you avoid all collisions whatsoever. This seems to be missing from the writer's tone of letter.

With regard to the incident at sea, "address withheld," despite the formidable qualifications, also forgets that there is a duty in the rules to avoid collisions (despite being in the right) and also that the overtaking boat gives way - whether it be power or sail.

Oh well, I suppose the lives of the passengers, and the livelihood of working people, should be inferior to getting a better position in a boat race. Me first, up yours (tongue in cheek for those with no sense of humour).

David Bickle, Wodehouse Terrace, Falmouth