WHILST not seeking to present myself as Gypsy Pete, with a regular “what’s in the stars” column, I can’t help but refer to my letter (Falmouth Packet, November 26) wherein I foretold of things to come (in Falmouth) apropos the arrival of and catering for “the rotten rich!”

Accordingly, the front page headline (January 7) “Blot on the landscape” comes as no surprise in as much as rich pickings are already looming large on the horizon for speculators, developers, estate agents, etc and increasingly – as in the very first lines of this article and yet another “It’s a whole lotta yacht”, the word luxury appears.

Now whether or not the objectors, ie Ruth Hills, Alwyn and Stella Harvey, pictured with the front page item objected to the plans for a luxury yacht/boat marina at Falmouth, I don’t know, but as surely as day follows night I’m sure that objectors and nimbys will all subsequently appear on a regular ongoing basis in the pages of the Falmouth Packet over the coming months; something of a tragedy when my own long held and voiced opinion regarding the acquisition of a general public amenity in the form our own (Cornwall’s) ferry service to Europe, fell on deaf ears. Supporters per se, being less prevalent, vociferous, than objectors, more’s the pity!

Peter Mahoney Reawla Hayle