Mr S Sobey of Mullion (Helston Packet January 7) makes an attempt to impune our excellent Member of Parliament, Andrew George.

Unlike Mr Sobey, I am not just happy but delighted to make clear publicly my long-standing political commitment and support for our excellent MP, Andrew George.

His powerful Christmas message stated: “So, 2008 was the year when the world could assess its progress in dealing with the terrible problems in the poorest countries.

“It was the halfway point towards meeting what are known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The promises made at the United Nations in the year 2000 and to be achieved by 2015.

“After a World Summit in New York this year and as 2008 draws to a close, we can see for ourselves what has been achieved…”

He summarised this on his Christmas card this year as follows: “To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the world's poorest countries would cost an estimated £30 billion a year.

“About the same as Wall Street and City bankers awarded themselves in bonuses last year.”

The objective: “to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger” was the first of the eight MDG agreed by the United Nations in September 2000.

Precious little progress has been made. The shameful failure of the richest countries to live up to their promise was reported to the UN Summit this September. News of the failure was drowned out by media concern about the impact of the credit crunch – the product of poorly regulated banks and the financial sector in the US and Europe.

Mr Sobey and the Conservatives may be upset that there are some people like Andrew George who are prepared to stand up and be counted on issues like this, but I believe the vast majority of local people support what he does and are unimpressed by those who want to snipe, carp and smear without being honest with the public about their true political allegiance.

Dr N D Driver St Keverne