On hearing that an £18 million health research centre could be built in Truro providing hundreds of jobs I was, like many others must have been, heartened.

Particularly as the news came at a time when the credit crunch was really beginning to bite.

But on further investigation I am not so sure this will be a good idea. Just think, the health research centre will be part of the Peninsula Medical School at the Royal Cornwall Hospital.

It is hoped that £9 million funding will come from Europe and the bureaucrats looking at the funding application, will be told that the project aims to create the world’s first establishment to research the links between the environment and human health.

It will look in particular, at how human health is affected by extreme weather events such as climate change, and how the environment can be used to improve people’s health and well-being - for example by providing opportunities for exercise.

Now it does not take an expert to work out that means going out for a walk or some other outdoor activities which the Cornish do well and so too does everyone else who visits the county.

Do we really need a group of boffins and academics led by a project director whose salary will no doubt be into six figures working in a building costing £18 million, telling us to take in the fresh air if we want to stay healthy?

One of those leading the scheme, Prof Michael Depledge, says there is scientific evidence that if we combine exercise with the natural environment, exposure to lots of greenery, natural waters such as the sea, health benefits are greatly improved.

That, Prof Depledge, has been well known in this part of the world for generations. We do not need a multi-million research centre to tell us what we already know.