I AM writing to say how fed up I am with the drunks on the end of the pier.

The group seem to be getting larger all the time and earlier to arrive at this meeting point.

The language that is used turns the air blue.

People trying to get on boats or just walk out on the pier are met by dogs running free, barking which is unnerving and the health risk of the dogs fouling is a worry.

I understand Falmouth is trying to smarten its appearance with The Moor being revamped and other plans, but to walk out on the pier or come in by boat and to see all the drunks is terrible.

I understand the police walk out on the pier but can only do something if they catch them drinking and by the time they have got there the drink is hidden. Surely we can make this an alcohol free zone or the shops can help by not serving these people. If they can sit there all weathers drinking, why can’t they get a job or do some sort for charity work? It’s taxpayers money that's getting them drunk and it’s wrong and unfair.

Mark Cairns Mylor by email