HERE we go again! Yet more traditions being messed with, by overpaid, senseless bureaucrats on high...this time with Porthleven's beautiful lights! I can't believe Kerrier councillors they are wasting public money on consultation for a project that should not and need not be considered by them in the first place!

We, who live in Porthleven, and indeed many, many people from other parts of the county, the country and the world, love the sight of our colourfully lit harbour, which is accentuated even further at Christmas time.

For Kerrier councillors to consider taking away the pleasure and tradition of the town and further, the powerpoint at the Harbour Head, so even our beautiful Christmas lights couldn't be displayed, is not only unnecessary and mindless, but also utter madness! What next? Newlyn's lights? Mousehole's lights?

If Kerrier councillors really believe the harbour looks cluttered, they should be making more effort on dealing with the lack of proper parking facilities in that area, the untidy appearance of the harbour walls when not repaired, as well as the new builds, some of which are not even in keeping with the area, being allowed to be built around the harbour area. The lights aren't the problem! They do not make the area look cluttered, far from it, they actually make the area look pretty, even with all the cars, buildings and harbour wall problems surrounding it!

What do these councillors find so “incoherent” about the lights anyway? Why don't the light strings make sense? And why do the councillors seem to think that the decision to remove something that brings such charm to an area and gives so much pleasure to so many, does make sense? Seems to me the only real incoherent bit is their so-called “reasoning” in their thinking! It also seems that they are all too eager to latch on to 'easy task targets', rather than get real problems sorted out!

I'm off to write my letter to Kerrier right now and I plead with others who would like to keep the lights, to do the same. If you care about the fact that yet more of our traditions and harmless pleasures are being eroded by bureaucrats, please write to Kerrier.

Lynn Curnow Wheal Rose Porthleven