The church of King Charles the Martyr, Falmouth, PCC met on January 13 and decided to proceed with our church hall lift and improvements project this year. We have appointed Scrace and Company as the building contractor for this important project. The figures for the contract are as follows: Cost of project (excluding VAT on building contract) £99,277 Sum raised to date by donations and other fundraising £69,735 The figures show that we still need to raise £29,542 and this is the best case scenario without VAT on the main building contract.

We are extremely grateful to the very generous donations from a few individuals who have supported the hall project to date, and to the Mummers theatre group for their fund raising activities.

We have been very fortunate with donations for this project but it will require a real effort from all members and organisations associated with KCM church to achieve the total. We are planning a gift day at KCM church on Sunday, February 1 where we can each donate or pledge a sum to this appeal.

Alongside donations we will also be grateful for any interest free loans that parishioners are willing to make for our appeal project. We will also be grateful for any fund raising efforts by our parishioners for this project. Please contact Richard Shapland on 01326-313634 if you wish to make a loan to the church or pledge a sum of money- Richard can offer gift aid forms for those who pay tax.

We will offer this project to God in prayer on 1st February to ask for his help and blessing for the appeal. Together we can achieve our goal and target. This will be a fantastic resource for our church and community in Falmouth. Please support this appeal with your prayers and with your generosity in giving.

Rev Stephen Tudgey. M.Th (Oxon) priest in charge