Falmouth Packet - Memorials

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Death Notice

Margaret Rose Palmer

Published on 03/04/2024

PALMER Margaret Rose Peacefully at her home in Falmouth on Saturday 16th March 2024, aged 91 years. Beloved Wife of Ross (deceased). Margaret will be so sadly missed by all her family and friends. The Funeral Service will take place at 11.15am on Friday 12th April 2024 at Penwerris Church, Falmouth followed by a private committal. Family flowers only but donations may be made, if desired, to The Children's Society by retiring collection. Any enquiries to T. Cooke, Funeral Directors, 01326 312131.


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sassyanne1 April 3rd, 2024
Margaret was a good friend of my mother and she also gave me some cooking lessons when I was a young girl. My condolences to her family.