Falmouth Packet - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 18/09/2024

BENNETT Sheila On Sunday 8th September 2024, Sheila of Penryn passed away peacefully at Falmouth Hospital, aged 96 years. Beloved wife of George (dec'd), loving mother of Robert and daughter-in-law Susan, grandmother of Sarah and Steven, Kirsty and Neil, great gran of Thomas and Eleanor, Oliver and Jodie, Henry Grace, Evie, Oscar and George and great great granny of Robin (dec'd) and Orla. Funeral service in Kernow Chapel, Penmount Crematorium on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 1.30pm. Family flowers only, but donations in lieu, if desired, for K9 Crusaders may be given by retiring collection or c/o Kingsley Tresidder Funeral Service, Mill Stream Funeral Home, Mill Yard, Ponsanooth, TR3 7EF, 01872 863607.


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