Sunday Epiphany 4 – President of the sung mass was Father Stephen Drakeley, priest-in-charge.

It began with the processional hymn “God is working His purpose out”. The Kyrie and Gloria were sung before the reading of the first lesson by Barbara Martin, which was taken from the book of Nehemiah chapter 8 v 1-10. It tells of a scene which took place after the return of the people of Israel from their captivity in Babylon. Among the ruins of the old temple in Jerusalem, workmen had found the scroll of the law given to Moses which had been lost for a very long time. Hazel Bennett then read from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians chapter 12 v 12-31. Here the apostle compares the body of Christ (v 12), the church to the human body and the dependency each part has on another.

The gospel proclaimed by Fr Stephen was Luke chapter 4 v 14-21. Here we find Jesus in the temple reading from the prophecy of Isaiah, where it speaks of the spirit of the Lord being upon one and then astonishing the congregation by declaring today His scripture has been fulfilled.

Fr Stephen took for the theme of his address “silence”. He stressed that we must take time away from the sounds of the world if we are to have any chance of hearing “the still small voice of God” speaking to us.

Chalice administrators at the eucharist were Jane MacLennon and David Fittock, together with Jacob Clarke they were also the servers for the mass. Prayers were led by Linda Thomas and Maureen Roberts, sidespersons were Alan Bukac-Williams and Frances Martin, organist was David Cunliffe (deputy church organist) who after the singing of the final hymn “O for a thousand tongues” concluded the mass by playing trumpet voluntary by Stanley.

On Sunday candlemass (the presentation of Jesus in the temple) will be celebrated at a family parade mass commencing at 10am.