There was plenty to see and do at this year’s Mylor May Fair with maypole dancing and a big boost for playing field funds.

Children from Mylor School opened the event with their annual dance around the maypole to the delight of the large crowd.

Falmouth Packet:

Attractions on the day included a bouncy castle, go-carts, Zumba dancing, cream teas, a barbecue, gig rowing, and many other attractions and stalls.

The ‘Zorb’ balls however had to stay locked in a car just in case a gust of wind carried an unwary fun seeker into the creek.

Falmouth Packet:

Chair of the Mylor Playing Field committee, Michael Willmore said the pupils from Mylor school did a wonderful job entertaining the crowds with maypole dancing, and despite some apprehension about the weather, and a small shower and chilly wind, the worst held off for the afternoon.

He added that while the final tally was not yet complete the event raisd in excess of £3,000 for the upkeep of the playing fields and the playing field’s refurbishment.

And that a big thank you should be said to all those that volunteered and helped, and all those who came to the fair and helped make it such a success.

Falmouth Packet: