Fishermen in West Cornwall are claiming they will be put out of business if their gear continues to be damaged by large vessels.

Among them is Jeremy Hosking from Porthleven, who has warned: “It will finish me.”

They have protested “in the strongest terms” to the MP for the area Andrew George that their gear is being damaged or lost as a result of the larger vessels, costing them thousands of pounds.

Mr George is now urging Ministers to bring in greater protection for local fishermen.

He has raised concerns with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and with the Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon.

The MP has already put pressure on UK authorities to pursue the French Government, in order for them to potentially prosecute the French vessels that have allegedly towed away Cornish crab pots and other fixed gear, placed around the six mile limit that some foreign vessels are permitted to fish.

More recently, some fishermen have complained that they have often lost crab pots when ships have dropped anchor on them, fouled the ropes which are attached to them and other fixed gear, or have found them damaged or destroyed by the anchors and chains of bulk shipping as they “sweep the sea bed, as the vessels swing in the swell, wind and tide.”

This causes “loss of income associated with lost gear and time trying to sort out the mess at sea,” the fishermen have said.

Sir Alan Massey, chief executive of the Maritime Coastguard Agency, wrote to Mr George earlier this year, telling him that by working with the UK Hydrographic Office changes were being made to the relevant nautical charts, to draw attention to the presence of crab pots.

Mr George said: “This is a welcome first step and I understand that the MCA is looking at further ways to bring this issue to the attention of the marine community.

“However, the MCA has no direct enforcement powers and I am therefore urging Defra to ensure that more is done to improve the situation and to safeguard the livelihoods of our local fishermen.”