Members met at the town hall on Wednesday and were welcomed by their president, Maggie Williams.

Following several items of business the president introduced guest speaker, Eileen Carter, a Cornish Bard, member of the St Piran Trust and author, who commenced her lecture by telling of the oratory chapel buried by sand on this historic Cornish landscape. Legend has it that St Piran, who was purported to have been flung into the sea by Irish chieftains with a millstone around his neck, floated across the Celtic Sea and landed on Perran Beach. He built his oratory on the cliff and preached throughout local parishes. Funded by English Heritage and Heritage Lottery, together with subscriptions, St Piran Society will be excavating the site later in the year for the purpose of conserving the oratory.

Cynthia Prior in congratulating Mrs Carter on an interesting talk of our Patron Saint of Tinners, thanked her for inspiring members to decide whether they thought the case was myth or legend. A splendid typical Cornish tea followed contributed by members and served by tea hostess Kathryn Hodge and helpers.