Pentecost Sunday had local preacher Tony Nicholas for the morning service. Organist was Paul Jenkin, Mary Louise Combellack (flute) and Paul Coombs (bongos), who also introduced the preacher and welcomed everyone.

It was announced that the Rev Daniel Reed was now home from West Cornwall Hospital.

After the first hymn and opening prayers it was the turn for the children to hear a true story – Years ago some Cornish people had to go to London to work and took their cat with them. The cat was shut in for a period, so it wouldn’t be alarmed and run away. However it did just that. Our preacher’s father had heard that his friends had returned from London, on the same day the cat also turned up, presumably having walked all the way. Most unlikely it would happen in these times!

The children went down to their classes during the next hymn. Acts chapter 2 v 1-4 and 32–41 was read and the offering taken up before the Pentecost message was given. Pentecost marked the birth of the Christian Church which is still spreading across most of the world today. Parents usually rejoice at a new birth and soon inform their neighbours, relatives and friends ‘their good news’. So it must have been in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit descended, first on the praying Apostles in the upper room, and certainly on the thousands who heard the message and responded.

Fellowship continued downstairs with groups chatting over a cuppa.

There was no service in the evening, according to the preaching plan all the congregations except Meneage were invited to the 4pm service and traditional faith tea at Helston Methodist Church.