Coverack Primary School on The Lizard has been rated a “good” school where staff and governors raise expectations, prompting pupils to make good progress in English and maths, by a government inspector.

Following a two day visit, the Ofsted inspector Anne Wesley concluded that the school, a key player in the Keskowethyans five schools partnership, has worked really hard to improve standards of teaching and learning since the last inspection and that teaching is now of a good quality with some examples of high quality practice.

The Inspection team noted that teachers plan activities that are interesting so pupils throughout the school want to learn more. They also noted that the supportive links with the other five schools within the Keskowethyans Partnership enabled the pupils’ learning experiences to be enhanced and gave teachers access to a wide variety of extra training opportunities.

Staff and governors are delighted that the inspector found the children to be extremely polite and well behaved. “They welcome the opportunity to talk to visitors about their school and do so with great pride,” said Ms Wesley.

Headteacher Tom Harman said: “We are all absolutely delighted that the inspection team endorsed our judgements of Coverack School. We all know it is a good school and has made significant advances over recent years.

“This is all very much down to the teamwork, commitment and dedication of staff, governors, pupils and their parents. It was also extremely pleasing to see that Ofsted fully recognised the importance of working in partnership with our local partner schools.”

Chair of governors of the Federation of Coverack and St Keverne Schools, Martha Mita, added: “We are so proud of our schools and all that our dedicated staff do for the children. We are thrilled that this has been recognised during the Ofsted inspection.”