CROWAN CORNWALL HOSPICE SUPPORT GROUP: The CGG held a sponsored walk on May 19 and raised £233. It was a lovely afternoon and the outing was enjoyed by everyone. Eighteen people took part and came back to the parish room for a cream tea which went down very well. Jeff Webster led the walk and the group is very grateful to him and also to Wal Keeble who helped to find the route.

CHURCH: The bells rang out for the Sunday morning service. The communion service was taken by the Rev Phillip Douglass and organist was Colin. Verity May Cock was christened and welcomed into the church family. In Sunday school Marcus and Charlotte read the lessons and the children continued their studies about Moses.

The last coffee morning on May 25 was a great success and on Friday, if the weather is kind, there will be a stall on the Plan in Praze between 10am and noon. Any donations of bric-a-brac, cakes, books or plants would be very welcome. Everyone is invited to a Farewell Concert for Mr Douglass on Sunday, June 9 at 7pm. This will hosted by the Trengilley Singers and chaired by Mr G James. Admission is free and there will be refreshments available. The evening will then move on to the St Aubyn Arms in Praze, for a pasty supper and sing song.