The service on Sunday was taken by Gerald Triggs and the first hymn was “How sweet the sound of Jesus sounds.”

Prayers of thanksgiving were said thanking God for each other and thanking God for the students who come from the university campus at Tremough to worship with us. Gerald read the lessons from Ruth chapter 1 v 1-18 and Acts Chapter 8 v 26-39.

In his sermon Gerald spoke of the gifts of the spirit and what God gives us. He spoke of gracefulness and always being there. Sometimes we think we have not got any gifts to offer, but just by being there for others is a very special gift and to encourage one another.

In the prayers of intercession prayers were said for those in care and nursing homes, those unwell and the bereaved. Also prayers were said for those in foreign lands who speak of God’s love to others in difficult circumstances. Prayers were then said for those who have to use the Foodbank.

The closing hymn was “How sweet the name of Jesus sounds.” Pianist was Myra Bennett and tea and coffee was shared after the service.

The service on Sunday will be taken by the Rev Celia Philips at 10.30am. There will be a Pop-In on Monday from 1pm to 3pm and there will be a coffee morning and sale on Thursday 10am to noon.