FRIENDS OF GODOLPHIN HOUSE: The Friends are holding their AGM at Townshend Village Hall, tea and coffee will be served. At 8 pm there will be a talk on the Bats of Godolphin by Steve Marshall. Members are free and non-members cost is £4. To join the cost is only £5 per household and there are concessionary prices to their event.

LUNCH AT THE HALL: On Saturday you will be able to buy a great value and really tasty lunch at Townshend Village Hall. There is a great salad menu and the main course is £3 and why not have a treat with a lovely sweet for £1.50?

The main course is a bargain offer, as unfortunately, due to increased costs, the price will have to rise to £3.50 for the next lunch on July 13. The food will be available from noon and everyone is welcome.

FILM NIGHT: On Saturday the club presents the latest James Bond blockbuster Skyfall. This is at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. The evening is free to members and to join the cost is £5 for adults and £3 for concessions. The club need to gauge the level of interest for the films so please come along if possible and don't forget your cushion! This is the last film evening until September. For any information please contact Les Hudson on 01736 850740.

VILLAGE CLEAN-UP: This is an advance notice of an evening to tidy up the village before the Open Gardens event in July. Please join in on the evening of June 27 and bring along your own gloves, trowel, brush and other tools. Any children helping must be under the close supervision of their parents or guardians.