Members had a very successful evening bringing along digital images to show and tell us a little about them.

We saw some astral photography and heard about the technicalities and equipment needed to take images such as the Orion Nebular and Jupiter. We were shown colourful shots taken while models played with powdered poster paints, wildlife and landscapes from the Somerset Levels, aircraft photographed at the Fairford Royal International Air Tattoo; an Osprey, Typhoon Eurofighter and some stunning shots of the Red Arrows.

Three new members showed wildlife images from the Isles of Scilly, shots from Saudi Arabia and safari in Africa and from 13-year-old James, some spectacular wildlife shots taken locally and in Scotland. Members provided comments and, where necessary, tips to improve the photographs.

There was so much enthusiasm to show photographs that unfortunately we ran out of time to see them all, but we look forward to catching up with the rest in the near future.

We were pleased to welcome another prospective new member this week. If you had a new camera for Christmas, or are thinking of taking up photography as a hobby this year, why not come along and see if the club is for you. You will receive a warm welcome and lots of help getting to grips with your camera and taking better photos.

Next meetings: January 30, a travelogue by Derek Godridge, vice president, who will also be speaking about his photographic heroes. February 6, a just for fun portrait competition being judged by chairman, Mark Walker, to enable members to practice the skills taught during the season by Mark and other members.

Meetings take place each Thursday at 7.30pm at The Space, Penryn RFC, Kernick Road, Penryn TR10 9LF. It is a friendly and welcoming club that aims to help people improve their photography skills. If you would like further information telephone the chairman, Mark Walker, on 07518 299379, visit the club website at or find us on Facebook.