BREANEY LUNCH: On Saturday for lunch, the main course was Beef Pie with the usual vegetables and a good choice of desserts. The next meal will be on March 1, currently there are a small number of vacancies, telephone 01326 564254 for bookings - it is good value for the money.

BREANEY METHODIST CHAPEL: On Sunday morning the reader service was led by Gina Varker and was welcomed by Nigel Ferris.

The service had been written by the late Reg Neville, formerly of Porthleven. Music Corner had Mary Louise Combellack on flute and Paul Jenkin organist.

The talk time for children was quite simple “Have you ever fallen out with your friend?” The reader explained in great detail about the process of making up, “make up before harm is done” for life to run smooth once more. Sunday school children went downstairs with their teachers. The offering was taken up by Paul Coombs. There was prayer of intercession and Holy Bible readings were from Isaiah and Luke’s gospel with the sermon explaining in detail the farmer and his two sons! All five hymns came from Hymns and Psalms. Coffee time was with Helen Jenkin.

Sunday morning’s service will be led by the Rev Beverly Turner as part one of Review and Renew, part two will be on the Monday at 7.30pm.