The choir held its AGM on Monday, February 10 at The Space, Penryn. With only one change, the officers and committee members were re-elected.

There was unanimous support for Ken Dunstan and his hard work as chairman, Ann Trudgen, secretary and Neil Cotterill, treasurer.

The choir had a musically successful year in 2013, following the move to its new home in Penryn in March. President, Mike Varney, remarked on a net increase in membership over the year including some younger recruits. We are hoping there are more out there for all sections of the choir.

Come and meet us on Mondays, from 7.30-9.30pm at The Space, Penryn's Community Centre Penryn Rugby Club. You can contact secretary, Ann Trudgen on 01326210444 or email: We will be pleased to see you.