President, Grace Bradford, welcomed 21 members and two visitors to the Methodist Hall on Friday.

The competition cup was presented to Cindy and the cookery cup to Miriam. Cornwall County Council have received the institute’s records including the history, since its foundation in 1918, photographs, programmes and ephemera, which otherwise may not have survived for future researchers to use.

Members were informed that after next week’s “Three’s Company Entertainment” there will be refreshments organised by Mercia and Kath. New members will be most welcome.

Grace then introduced Robert Bond, who for the next 45 minutes entertained the members with his amusing, eccentric charm and told them how when he needed a job in a hurry he applied for every job in the local newspaper. The Sausage Factory beckoned and he became a sales forecast co-ordinator in Trowbridge for 18 months.

His talk was informative, full of anecdotes and witty, the hall resounding with much laughter which continued when Cindy gave the vote of thanks. This was a fabulous afternoon which everyone enjoyed.