On Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent, the Rev Stephen Tudgey celebrated holy communion at 8.30am. This was followed at 10.30am by a family service for Mothering Sunday led by Mr Tudgey.

Thanksgiving prayers were read by the Cubs and Beavers, and the Guides led the intercessions. The choir sang Rutter's beautiful "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" for the anthem with Michael Hoeg playing the organ. The service ended with Cubs, Brownies etc distributing daffodils to the congregation. Then refreshments, including Simnel cake, were enjoyed by all in the church hall.

This was followed at 6pm by sung evensong with Mr Tudgey officiating. The choir sang Stanford's setting of the "Nunc Dimittis" and Michael Hoeg played the organ. Events this week: Thursday, 9.30am, Charlie's Angels, church hall, New Street; 10.30am, holy communion; 11.15am, prayer group. Sunday, 8.30am, holy communion; 10.30am, sung eucharist; 6pm, choral evensong.