The holy communion service held on Sunday, the Third Sunday after Trinity, was celebrated by the Rev Andrew Stevenson, priest-in-charge, who in his sermon said that Christians are often accused of being overly concerned about sin.

The Apostle Paul struggled as he sought to do the things he knew he ought to, rather than the things that he actually did, which he knew he should not do. Like Paul, we cannot escape that fact, that wrong doing has consequences and ultimately, living a life devoid of God, leads to death, both physical and spiritual. But all is not lost because, although we struggle the ultimate victory has been won by Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross and as Christians we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God as made known in Jesus.

The Old Testament lesson taken from Zechariah chapter 9 v 9-12, was read by George Ellison and the New Testament lesson was taken from Romans chapter 7 v 15–25a. The gospel reading by Mr Stevenson was from Matthew chapter 11 v 16–19 and 25–30. The organist was Luke Stevenson and the keyboard player Joan Treloar. Mary and James Stevenson led the singing.

St Peter’s Church present three monthly charity is The Fisherman’s Mission, which supports fishermen and their families in times of hardship, such as last winter when the prolonged period of bad weather led to boats being confined to port for weeks on end.

On Sunday, Flushing’s Lifeboat Service will be held on Flushing Quay at 6pm with the lifeboat alongside. The service will be led by Mr Stevenson and the sermon will be preached by the Rev John Savage. If it rains, the service will be held in Flushing Methodist Church.