After a wet day the evening of Monday cleared for the concert in the Garden Room of Falmouth's Princess Pavilion.

The choir was conducted by Musical Director, Elaine Tangye; guest accompanist was Martin Davies and Andy Christophers of Penryn was chairman of the concert. A heavy cold prevented him from being also guest artist and the planned programme for the evening had to be re-arranged. Parts were conventional: three groups of songs by the choir, which was in good form and sang well.

After the interval the audience took a larger part, joining the choir in the chorus of the Floral Dance (sung by Martin Davies), singing several old and popular songs and singing along with the choir in a medley of songs from the first World War. The audience, which crowded the Garden Room, were plainly delighted by the way the evening went and seemed reluctant to let the choir go.

Martin Davies, who has several times helped the choir at practices and concerts since the death of the choir's regular accompanist George Smith in March, was given a token of Nankersey's appreciation by the choir's president, David Rowe.

The choir's next concert will be in the Methodist Church, Flushing on Tuesday, July 29, starting at 7.30pm.

The choir's next event after the concert in Flushing is its annual fête in the garden of the Princess Pavilion, Falmouth on Saturday, August 2, starting at 1 pm and ending soon after 4pm. Admission will be free. The Cober Valley Accordion Band will play during the afternoon and there will be the usual stalls, a draw with attractive prizes and songs by the choir – altogether well worth a visit.

The choir practises in St Peter's Church Hall, Flushing on Mondays (except in August) from 7.30pm to about 9.30pm. Gentlemen who want to try singing with a choir will be welcome at any practice, but please first ring the secretary, Fred Bidgood on 01326 373984. More information is on the choir's web-site