Sunday's service for the third Sunday after Trinity was taken by the Rev Judy Harris.

The first lesson and the Psalm were read by Francoise Ziemann and the second lesson by Yvonne Bellinger. Esther Brown was the organist. This week's services will be on Tuesday at 9.15am (morning prayer) and 10am (holy eucharist) and Sunday (Sea Sunday) at 9.30am (solemn eucharist). There will be a collection at the Sunday service for the Mission to Seafarers.

Please note there will be no choir practise this week.

Praze Hayle Male Choir will be singing on the quayside in Porthleven on Wednesday. If the evening is wet, the concert will be in church.

There will be a silent auction at Arcon, Sunset Drive, the home of Maureen Williams at 6pm on Friday, July 25. There is no ticket charge but a plate of food would be appreciated. Items for the auction are needed please.

St Bart's is holding a summer fete on Wednesday, August 6 from 10am in church. Please note the change of date. All the usual stalls including a St Bart's craft stall. Raffle tickets will be available on the day.