The service on Sunday was led by Phil Misselbrook of Emmanuel Baptist Church. He began with some challenging statistics on the subject of health and safety and illustrated that in a church is a very safe place to be!

The first reading, Psalm 8, O Lord, our Lord, your greatness is seen in all the world, was taken by Megs Richards. The children were then shown a magic book. At first the pages were completely blank, but gradually, as if by magic, illustrations appeared and finally wonderful coloured Bible story pictures. We can be as blank pages when we know nothing of God’s transforming love for us all. The Junior Church then left for activities on the ground floor.

Prayers were said for several members of our own church family who are in special need at this time and also for the prayer requests put onto the prayer tree during the week in the Memorial Chapel on the ground floor. The New Testament reading, led by Bruce Keer, was taken from John Chapter 1 v 29-34, I saw the Spirit come down like a Dove. Then followed the address based on the theme of The Word of God, The Spirit of God and The Son of God. Phil Misselbrook shared his own personal testimony and the transformation to his life when he became filled with the Holy Spirit.

The organist was David Collins and the final hymn was the well known favourite, Guide me, O though great Jehovah. Following the service, coffee was served on the ground floor. The preacher for Sunday will be Pastor Mike Ely and the service will include holy communion.

Coffee mornings continue at the church on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of this week and the Artists exhibiting in the foyer will be Kernow Artists United. There will be a table top sale on Saturday from 9.30am.