The service on Sunday was taken by Paul Langford and birthday greetings were sung to Pauline Woods and Jo Kennedy.

The first hymn was “To God be the glory”. The congregation then read together Psalm 96. In the prayers of thanksgiving we acknowledged that God has given us life, the beauty of the earth and the gift of His Son, Jesus.

We give thanks for the gifts of joy, peace and patience, for our own families and the church family. Prayers were said for the wrongs that we have done. The lesson was from John chapter 9 “Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind”. Paul chose verse 25 from John chapter 9 for his sermon using the theme for the service “Who is Jesus to you?”

He spoke about how the journey of life was shown in the life of the blind man. The Pharisees always wanted to put Jesus down because they had a spiritual blindness of Him. The blind man did as Jesus had told him and he said “I was blind but now I can see”. The closing hymn was “When I survey the wondrous cross.”

Organist was Markus Mauller; tea and coffee was served by Sandra and Hilary.

The service on Sunday will be taken by worship leader Peter Mahaffey.