“I always feel so happy when I arrive home after a rehearsal” said one of the choristers and that is what the choir hoped for, for their audience at the end of their concert in the Tremayne Hall, Mylor Bridge, on Saturday, in which they sang songs from Broadway Shows and also songs from the Two World Wars, with audience participation.

The full capacity audience was terrific, joining in very enthusiastically. One gentleman said he was moved to tears with the rendering of “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” in which Pat Hobden and Margaretha Wiekens sang part of the song as a duet. Pat also sang “I’m Just a Girl who Can’t Say No” from Oklahoma, complete with Stetson and rifle.

Margaretha sang “Mister Snow” from, Carousel. The guest artist was a lovely soloist named Zara who sang “I Don’t Know How To Love Him” and “Someone to Watch Over Me” to much acclaim. Zara is the granddaughter of Jacky Chapman who sang the solo in “On The Street Where You Live”.

Ann Angove had a very humorous “chat with the audience” in a very strong Cornish accent and her daughter Julie was the soloist in “Memory” from Cats.

Other soloists were Hilary Jefford and Hazel Fowkes. Irene Gardiner started the show with words from “Another Op’nin, Another Show” and finished with words from “Give our Regards to Broadway” followed by the singing of “Lullaby of Broadway” by the choir.

This was a very varied and humorous concert under the singer’s musical director, Bridget Westlake, who was presented with a beautiful basket of flowers at the end of the concert. We happen to know that people went home feeling very happy.