‘Flash Mob’ boosts sales at its Summer Fete held at Mawnan Smith recently.

An amazing £700 was raised after just two hours of selling cakes, bric-a-brac, plants, mouth watering bacon butties, running a raffle and bottle stall. During the morning and quite spontaneously, the choir burst into song, much to the surprise of the friends and residents of Mawnan Smith who generously supported the event.

Every choir needs to raise funds to pay for music, uniforms etc and this was the opportunity for the choir to do just that. This friendly choir constantly work as a team to provide concerts and sales, not only to boost its own funds but also to raise money for needy charitable causes.

Please follow the choir on its Facebook page and listen to the Flash Mob singing ‘Bright Morning Stars’. Hear the choir singing from various concerts also on Youtube.

The next venue for the choir will be at Penryn Methodist Church on Wednesday when World War I will be commemorated in song by several musical groups