Jam and cream go well together as everyone knows and so they did, figuratively speaking during the July meeting.

‘Jam’ (apologies to the WI) - relating to the national WI AGM held in Leeds. Kay Stevenson of Penryn WI had attended and kindly came to give members a full and interesting report on the event. Bill Turnbull of BBC Breakfast was one of three guest speakers who had entertained the delegates.

Cream - being the subject of a film and talk from Philip Rodda of Rodda’s, the local family business famous for its Cornish Clotted Cream. With over a hundred years of cream production at their farm and premises at Scorrier, Mr Rodda had a lot of history to draw on. Of particular interest was a painting that he brought that showed the farm in the 1940s. Originally the site had been a coal yard for the mines and tungsten, used in hardening steel, had also been mined there. A ban on the sale of cream during the war and up to 1953 forced the family to turn back to farming to survive, but since then the business has flourished and, as well as cream, the company now also make crème fraiche, butter and custard.

There is no meeting in August but the annual trip, this year to Trerice and Healey’s Cider Farm, will take place on August 6.

Anyone wishing to know more about Budock WI can check out the website at www.budockwi.org.uk or just come along to the next meeting on September 10, when the talk will be on A Day in the Life of a Veterinary Nurse.