Sea Sunday – This Sunday is traditionally given over to remembering and paying tribute to those whose life is centred on or near the sea and also for the work and ministry of the Mission to Seafarers.

Sunday also saw the infant, Ivy-Rose Winifred Hall, brought to church by her parents Mike and Sibina, for the sacrament of baptism. The link with the sea was maintained by the fact that Mike is by profession a ship surveyor.

President of the mass, which began with the singing of the hymn “Lead us Heavenly Father lead us” was Father Stephen Drakeley, priest-in-charge.

After the priest greeted the congregation, which included family members and friends of Mike and Sibina, as well as other visitors, Paul Jenkins read the lesson, Acts chapter 27 v 1-12. This tells of Paul being taken captive to Rome and ends as he predicted in a disastrous sea voyage.

The gospel reading proclaimed by Fr Stephen was Luke chapter 4 v 16-21. Here we find Jesus in the Synagogue in Nazareth reading from the Scroll of the Prophet Isaiah concerning the coming Messiah, then confounding those listening by saying “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Fr Stephen began his address by reminding the congregation that piracy not the glamorous undertaking as portrayed on film and the TV and although not practiced around our shores, still prevails elsewhere.

The act of baptism then took place. Celebrating at the eucharist Fr Stephen was assisted by Ann Hill and Barbara Jenkins as chalice administrators; Jane MacLennan was the server for the mass; prayers were led by Doreen Barnicoat; sidespersons were Maureen Roberts and Jill Pardon; organist was Daniel Sherman and David Cunliffe accompanied the singing of the choir anthem.

After the singing of the final hymn “Eternal Father”, Daniel concluded the mass by playing “Hornpipe Humoresque” by Noel Rawsthorne. This contains some notes rarely heard on the renown All Saints’ organ.