On Friday evening in the hall David Barnicoat, retired Senior Pilot, gave a very informative and entertaining talk on the Tall Ships.

This was much enjoyed by the audience and over £500 was raised towards facilities by the Friends of KCM.

On Saturday the guest musician at our lunchtime concert was Edward Francis-Smith. This gifted young double bass player presented us with an impressive programme which clearly demonstrated the particular technical demands of playing this instrument.

The first piece chosen was an especially challenging composition by the 20th century French composer, Eugene Bozza, followed by a work of the Italian 19 century double bass virtuoso, Bottersini. A return then to the 20 century with an energetic concerto written by the prolific English composer Gordon Jacobs. Edward then ended his recital with a delightfully refined lyrical concerto by Von Dittersdorf (who had himself played chamber music with Mozart and Haydn).

As with the whole concert he performed this final piece beautifully, especially the cadenza, which he played so very skilfully. Throughout Edward was accompanied expertly at the piano by Angus Webster and their remarkable musicianship was celebrated by the audience's very appreciative and enthusiastic applause.

On Sunday, Fourth Sunday after Trinity, the Rev Stephen Tudgey celebrated holy communion at 8.30am. At 10.30am sung eucharist was celebrated by Mr Tudgey and the lessons were read by Wendy Tyley and Valerie Pitts. The choir sang How's "Fairest Lord Jesus" for the anthem and Michael Hoeg was the organist. Bee Mackenzie and Jenny Andrews were presented with flowering plants in appreciation for their many years of volunteering and welcoming at KCM. There were refreshments afterwards in the hall.

Also on Sunday morning Mr Tudgey officiated at the Baptism of Jowan Andrew Francis Raisin with parents, godparents, family and friends present to lovingly support little Jowan. We would like to welcome him to KCM Church. At 6pm there was a choral evensong service with Mr Tudgey officiating and the lessons were read by John Pyatt and June Ingleby-Oddy. The choir sang the Canticles set to plain-chant and Wesley's "Lead Me, Lord" for the anthem. We thank Matthew Seaton for being our guest organist.

Events this week: Thursday, 10.30am, holy communion; 11.15am, Prayer Group. Saturday, noon (with a change to the programme) the lunchtime concert guest artist, singer Robin Brown, will also be playing the trumpet. These superb concerts are free to attend but donations in aid of the Cornwall Music Therapy Trust and KCM Parish Church and Choir are very welcome. Sunday, Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 8.30am, holy communion; 11am annual Sea Sunday service. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the KCM Coffee Shop; 6pm, choral evensong.