Very, very good; a lovely display and the entries gave signs of hot competition for the local Flower Club were words said of the Penryn WI Annual Flower Show.

Mary Wade was winner (70 points) of the Show Silver Cup. Her consistently high marks for her entries in both the Garden and Home Section and the Floral Section gave her top position, putting Kathryn Hodge in second place (67 points). Margaret Whibley (50 points was in third place).

The three show-stopping entries, each awarded nine points were: A magnificent enormous white begonia (potted flowering plant class); a clever modern arrangement with reflections in a mirror (or was it a pool of water?) in the floral class entitled Reflections and a single specimen bloom – a red dahlia. The dimensions of the amaryllis flowering heads were gigantium – even larger that the blue hydrangeas. By contrast were the petite pretty posy arrangements (maximum 4 ins x 4 ins), one of which was cleverly made up on a silver shoe.

Most colourful were all the table arrangement entries (maximum 12 ins x 12 ins). Multicoloured summer flowers predominated in this class. Standing out in contrast was the unusual and striking arrangement with a good overall shape of bright purple lavender and clematis flowers.

Our best wishes to the sick and absent members (Dulcie Blackmore, Val Burleigh, Lydia Curnow and Debbie Herbert) all of whom have made some spectacular entries to the show in previous years.

Rosemary Webber, from Penryn, was the judge and she remarked “I enjoyed looking in depth at so many magnificent entries by the WI members – such enthusiasm for this annual event.”

Members paid an afternoon visit to The Flicka Foundation, the horse and donkey sanctuary, at Mabe Burnthouse. Most of the animals were in the fields – looking well, grazing the grass and taking in the fresh air as they ‘talked to their friends’. A donkey does like to have another donkey (or sometimes a horse) as a particular friend for company. Everyone appeared to have a smile on their face. The guided tour followed by tea and cake made for a good afternoon’s outing.

Further details of our September Meetings (Wednesday 3 and 17) in the Welfare Hall are available from Margaret Williams, telephone 01326 373314.