Kevin Hosking, senior church steward, welcomed both Pastor Mike Ely and many visitors to the morning service.

After the first hymn “For the Beauty of the earth”, Pastor Mike asked the children of the Junior Church if they had a present for him, which they didn’t. He said that it was just as well that he’d brought one for all of them and he gave out lollipops and also gave them to the Junior Church staff and to the organist, David Collins. He told the rest of the congregation that they weren’t eligible for them.

Olivia introduced the Junior Church’s hymn, “Have you heard the raindrops?”

Jenny Lockwood, circuit steward, who is also one of Pastor Mike’s sisters, read the lesson from Matthew’s gospel, containing the parable of the two sons. Like this parable, Pastor Mike asked the question, “how many times have you said that you will do something and end up not doing it?” He said that the phrase, “actions speak louder than words” is better, like the two sons in the parable, the first one said that he wouldn’t work in the vineyard for his father but did and the second son said that he would work in the vineyard for his father but didn’t, how much better it is for us to do God’s bidding than not to do it.

Captain Bryan Mills, R E Retired assisted with the serving of holy communion, Pastor Mike explained that he met Bryan in the Army 60 years ago.

The communion hymn was, “Father, who in Jesus found us”.

There will be three coffee mornings this week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9.30am-11.30am and the artists, whose work is on show in the foyer from 10am-5pm, Monday-Saturday, are Barrett, Brookes, Boulstridge and Cowles.

Our service on Sunday will be taken by members of the local worship team, led by Gillian Collins.