There was a very good attendance for the July meeting when the speaker was Andrew Besley.

Andrew had been a photographer for many years, having trained with the Press Association, and he proved to be an excellent raconteur, with many anecdotes concerning notable events and well-known people he had encountered during his long working life. He looked back on his coverage of the Fastnet disaster in 1979, and the loss of the Penlee lifeboat in 1981. He had met many famous people, stars of stage and screen, royalty and politicians among them.

Andrew had particularly fond memories of the times he spent photographing Margaret Thatcher, who he got to know well through her days at the top. He assured us that she was a warm-hearted, caring woman and not the dragon shown on Spitting Image!

Following Andrew’s talk we discussed our plans for the summer, which will include a cream tea at the Budock Vean Hotel in August, and also our annual harvest supper in September. Our first regular meeting will be on Tuesday, October 7, when Sylvia Dunstan, a farmer’s wife from Nancenoy Farm, Constantine, will tell us all about her life on the farm, which promises to be very humorous.

If you would like to join us, please come along or telephone Liz on 01326 372978 or Eileen on 01326 341242 for further information.