"Don't throw It away - Paint It". Our speaker in July was from Sweetpea and Betty in Falmouth.

They are a company who can give you ideas of upcycling anything in your home or garden that needs an uplift or you are even thinking of throwing away. They run workshops for any age, including children and by using the company's specialised chalk paint anyone can upcycle or give new look to anything. This includes gilded frames/mirrors, electro plated items, concrete floors, wall tiles, plastic and glass bottles, plastic garden chairs, and if you visit the shop you will also see one of the first items painted - a very pretty pink painted cash till.

One of the highlights of upgrading all these items is that none of it needs any preparation before painting - you just start painting. A visit to this shop is highly recommended to get advice on how to get started.

We were also given a report by our Group Link representative from the Annual Meeting held in Leeds. After a 12-hour long coach trip it was a very enjoyable meeting with one of the highlights being the mass of voices singing Jerusalem - always very moving.

Our exhibit was brought back from the Stithians Show, but it was not a winning entry. The subject was 'A song from World War One' and we had chosen 'Till We Meet Again' written in 1916. Unfortunately our realistic representation of the song could not compete with the modern interpretation of the other WI entries.

Members are looking forward and working towards the Constantine Church Flower and Music Festival from July 24-27, a walk on July 30 from Helford Passage by ferry to Helford Village and in August members are invited to Summer Lunch in Tony and Mary Vyvyan's garden.

Also in the village during summer, Wednesday afternoons throughout August will be "Teas under the Trees" (next to church car park), and on September 5 a coffee morning in the WI hall, raising funds for the Village Christmas Lights Appeal - all are welcome. Our meeting in September will be a Valuation Evening with David Lay.

We look forward to meeting new members and guests for our winter programme which includes Textile Design, Steeling Nature, China (crockery not the country) and our usual very entertaining Harvest Auction in October. Please phone either Angela on 01326 341143 or Gill on 01326 340434.