The lunchtime concert on Saturday featured Robin Brown. He presented us with a most impressive and varied programme in which he not only sang but also played the trumpet beginning his recital with Haydn's lively Trumpet Concerto.

Then Robin, former choir boy and later a choral scholar at Truro Cathedral, confidently sang the aria "O Isis und Osiris" from Mozart's "The Magic Flute", and also the resoundingly joyous "The Trumpet Shall Sound" from Handel's "Messiah". The following song, "Danny Boy"(words: F Weatherly, set to the lovely "Londonderry Air"), Robin sang without piano accompaniment. With all the other works in this much enjoyed concert Robin was accompanied expertly by the pianist, Angus Webster. The recital continued with Robin singing Vaughan Williams' setting of R L Stevenson's "The Vagabond", after which he returned to playing the trumpet with the beautiful "Song to the Moon" (E Wilson) from Dvorak's opera "Rusalka". This excellent concert ended with Robin's moving performance of "Ol' Man River" from J Kern and O Hammerstein's "Showboat"; the perfect song to demonstrate the depth and resonance of his wonderful bass voice.

On Sunday at 8.30am Father Michael Oades celebrated holy communion. At 11am we held our annual Sea Sunday service with Father Ian Froom officiating and he also gave the sermon. This special service began with the presentation of the Senior Standards at the altar. Over two hundred attended together with the Mayor and many civic and naval dignitaries, other service personnel and members of the RNA etc. The choir sang Purcell's "Gloria" and Michael Hoeg was the organist.

At the close of this service, organised by the Falmouth branch of the RNA, Nelson's Prayer was read, a bugler sounded the Last Post, followed by The Silence then Reveille and finally the National Anthem was sung. There were refreshments afterwards in the King Charles Coffee Shop.

At 6pm there was a choral evensong service with Father Roger Nicholls officiating and lessons were read by Michael White and Barbara Martin. The choir sang Stanford's settings of the Canticles and the "Alleluias of St James" to a traditional French carol for the Anthem. The organ was played by Michael Hoeg.

Events this week: Thursday, 10.30am, holy communion; 11.15am, Prayer Group. Saturday, noon, lunchtime concert guest artists will be Shirley Tyack and her students. These superb concerts are free to attend but donations in aid of the Cornwall Music Therapy Trust and KCM Parish Church and Choir are very welcome. Sunday, 8.30am, holy communion; 10.30am, family service – refreshments afterward in King Charles Coffee Shop; 6pm, choral evensong.