The choir took everyone by surprise at their Summer Fete at Mawnan Smith recently by spontaneously bursting into song.

It may have helped boost sales as an amazing £700 was raised after just two hours of selling cakes, bric-a-brac, plants, mouth-watering bacon butties, running a raffle and bottle stall. The choir worked hard collecting saleable goods during the weeks prior to the fete and did a marvellous job in the kitchen churning out the bacon butties and serving coffee and teas.

Like most choirs extra funds are needed to pay for music, uniforms etc and this was the opportunity to do just that.

Following their Summer Fete the choir was privileged to be a part of ‘100 Voices for 100 Years’ – To remember Those who gave their lives in WW1, held in Penryn Methodist Chapel last Wednesday. Other choirs involved were The Lemonaires, who entertained the audience prior to the concert, Penryn College, Penryn Junior and Infant School choirs, Penryn Badgers and for the first time singing in Penryn, the Culdrose Military Wives Choir. The compere was Andy Christophers who also rounded off the concert with a vocal solo.

A thank-you to everyone who was involved with the evening was given by Councillor Mark Snowdon (Deputy Town Mayor).

Mabe Ladies Choir is currently performing a wide, varied and popular repertoire and the next concert will be held at Christ Church, Rough Street, Lanner TR16 6EU on Saturday, August 9.

Follow the choir on Facebook and singing on YouTube.