Falmouth councillors have given their backing to plans to build eight new houses on a site in Meadowbank Road, but several neighbouring residents have voiced their opposition to the scheme.

CW Developments are behind the proposals, which include the demolition of the bungalow Tresellick and its outbuildings and the redevelopment of the site with eight new houses which would each have their own parking space and private garden.

In the accompanying design statement, it says: “Whilst it would be possible to design a scheme of apartments, with potentially more in numbers, we feel that houses would be more in-keeping with the area.

“Houses will provide a more interesting and aesthetically pleasing scheme, have a lesser impact on surrounding properties and will provide a more desirable place to live for local people. The scheme as a whole will provide much needed housing whilst being visually pleasing.”

The scheme went before Falmouth’s planning committee last week when Councillor Rowenna Brock suggested the plans were “a sensible use of the land.”

Councillor Steve Eva added: “We need family homes and this would be a good use of a piece of land. I think this is something we should be supporting.”

The committee voted in support of the application and are recommending that Cornwall Council approve it. However, there are several neighbouring residents who are opposing the scheme.

Among them is Phil Wilkinson, who said: “We consider it to be a significant over-development of the plot, and not sympathetic to adjacent properties, or the rest of the street.

“We accept that the plot will be developed at some stage.

“We are not against any development, in fact we have been pleased with some of the developments over the past decade on the road, because we think they have raised the general quality of housing.

“However, in this case the proposed plans are not sympathetic to the rest of the road and are definitely not in keeping with adjacent or neighbouring properties.”

Amanda Baker said: “I object to the proposal as I feel it is an overdevelopment of the site with eight houses which will bring with it additional noise and traffic with the new residents.

The two houses proposed in the current orchard at the bottom of the site will overshadow our small garden and block our natural light as well as becoming an eyesore to the surrounding area.”

Mike Blackledge added: “Parking in the road is already at breaking point and this scheme does not provide enough parking for the potential numbers of cars that will come.”