Second year students from Truro College's National Diploma in Applied Science enjoyed a talk from Surfers Against Sewerage.

Richard Hardy, SAS campaigns director, showed the students, first hand, the work of Surfers Against Sewage in their campaign for clean, safe recreational water, free from sewage effluents, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste and marine litter.

Richard discussed issues relevant to the students such as infections like hepatitis A, meningitis and septicaemia which surfers and recreational beach users could encounter.

He also talked about how important it is to have adequately treated sewage before it is discharge into the sea.

Surfer Against Sewage are invited to give this talk every year but this year the talk was also filmed by a Japanese TV crew. The production team, from the Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK, were making a program about European culture.

Janet Cotton, lecturer on environmental issue and policies said: "The students benefit from this type of interaction with this local environmental group as they talk about issues which affect the students at their level of interest."