MULLION: METHODIST MONDAY CLUB: The club's 2007-08 programme opened with a social evening at which leader Pauline Rowse welcomed Douglas George, president of Mullion's Arthritis Research Campaign fundraising committee, together with several other ARC members. Mr George accepted a cheque for £750, the result of eleven months' work on coffee mornings and cream teas, a Victorian Christmas Fair, carolling and donations.

The coming year's objective will be Macmillan Cancer Support in Cornwall. Fundraising for this charity got off to a splendid start with £260 from a "big stir" coffee morning with stalls.

Shoeboxes for Romanian orphanages is an additional project, and this year more than thirty boxes were filled and gift-wrapped for onward transmission by the local co-ordinator.

To complete the first month's activities, Rosemary Bray led a local ramble, which arrived at the Bray homestead just in time for supper. Members enjoyed solving a Harvest Quiz set by the hostess.

ST KEVERNE: GOOD COMPANIONS: The Good Companions organised a cream tea afternoon with various stalls and raffle in the Methodist hall. Many thanks to all who helped in any way. Also special thanks to Philip who entertained with some background music on his keyboard. A very enjoyable afternoon was had by a good number of people. The amount raised was £281. The morning service in the Methodist church on Sunday was led by the Rev J Glover; the reader was P Retallack, stewards were D Stevens, P Roe and L Chettle. The pianist was M Jenkins. The Rev A Hill led the evening service. Stewards were P Roe and D Stevens. The organist was D Worthington.

RUAN MINOR: METHODIST CHURCH: Mr Des Thomas from Constantine took the service at Ruan on Sunday. He talked of "Jesus - the help line".

Much better he said than all the other help lines we use in daily life. He reported on the exciting breakthrough the Bible society had made in Iraq by having their calendars accepted and distributed in parts of the country. He involved the whole congregation with readings and questions during the service where he spoke of God's many helpful, guiding, comforting words in the Bible. Iris Langford was the organist.

After the service many of the congregation joined at The Lizard for their harvest lunch.

On Sunday Ruan has its harvest festival service with Mandy Jenkin followed by a concert, supper and auction on Tuesday starting at 7pm.

CURY: METHODIST CHURCH: The preacher at Cury on Sunday was Mrs Mary Jenking. Christopher Trounson took the offering and David Lugg was the organist. Members were pleased to welcome back Clive and Katherine Jenkin.

VILLAGE HALL: Cury village show is being held at the hall this Saturday, October 6. The presentations are due to take place at 4pm.