CONSTANTINE: HISTORY GROUP: The subject at the September meeting was agriculture. Sylvia Dunstan gave a very funny and interesting talk on what ensued when she encouraged her husband to keep some saddleback pigs. It was decided to show them at the Royal Cornwall Show, and so the pigs had to be trained to parade before the judges, which was done with a board and stick and pieces of apple, and Sylvia and their helper Neil Hatton demonstrated how this was done. The pigs had to be groomed by being shampooed, and having oil rubbed into the black bits. It showed just how much was involved in competing to such a high standard.

The meeting was shown photographs illustrating the history of agriculture, showing the days of milking by hand and harvesting with horses, then threshing machines, early tractors and right through to the present day. Many of the photos were of local farms and events and the people involved were recognised by members.