Residents of Helston have just under two weeks left to call for an election following the resignation of town councillor Dave Potter.

Mr Potter stepped down last month saying he wanted to concentrate his time on other projects.

However, he has remained involved in the Helston coronavirus response team co-ordinated by the town council, although his resignation as councillor means he has also had to stand down from the associated role of chairman of the Helston Climate Action Group.

He remains a director of Helston Community Interest Company and also on the organising committee of the Helston Relay for Life event in aid of Cancer Research UK, which has been postponed until next summer.

Mr Potter, who moved to Helston 37 years and served in the Royal Navy for 33 years before moving into business, was elected as an independent candidate in November 2015, winning his seat in Helston's west ward with just over 50 per cent of the votes cast. He polled 67 votes, while Danny Keay polled 39 votes and Jo Morley received 26.

He subsequently stood again at the next election in the north ward - and it is now up to the people of Helston to decide whether another election should be held to replace him.

For this to happen at least ten electors of the north ward - which begins at Church Hill and Godolphin Road and covers everything north of there, including the estates around Water-ma-Trout - must write to Cornwall Cornwall to request one.

The deadline for letters to be received is Wednesday, April 29. They should be sent to the Returning Officer of Cornwall Council at Cornwall Council Offices, St Austell Information Service, 39 Penwinnick Road, St Austell, PL25 5DR.

If fewer than ten letters are received by the deadline then the vacancy can be filled by co-option - by which people put themselves forward and the existing town councillors choose - although this is unlikely to happen until at least after the current coronavirus restrictions are lifted.